Jumat, 25 Januari 2013


Kelas bisnis di pulau Jawa

No. KA Nama KA Stasiun Keberangkatan Waktu Keberangkatan Stasiun Kedatangan Waktu Kedatangan Pemberhentian Waktu yang ditempuh
95L Mutiara Selatan Surabaya Gubeng 16.30 Bandung 05.59 Wonokromo, Mojokerto, Jombang, Kertosono, Nganjuk, Madiun, Solo Balapan, Tugu Yogyakarta, Kebumen,Gombong, Maos, Sideraja, Banjar, Ciamis, Tasikmalaya, Cipeundeuy, Kiaracondong 13 jam 28 menit
96 Mutiara Selatan Bandung 17.00 Surabaya Gubeng 06.08 Kiaracondong, Cipeundeuy, Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Banjar, Sideraja,Kroya, Gombong, Kebumen, Wates,Tugu Yogyakarta, Solo Balapan, Madiun, Nganjuk, Kertosono, Jombang, Mojokerto, Wonokromo 13 jam 7 menit
97 Senja Utama Solo Solo Balapan 18.00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 04.25 Klaten, Tugu Yogyakarta, Wates, Kutoarjo, Kebumen, Gombong, Kroya,Purwokerto, Bumiayu, Cirebon Prujakan, Jatinegara 10 jam 24 menit
98 Senja Utama Solo Jakarta Pasar Senen 20.20 Solo Balapan 06.50 Cirebon Prujakan, Prupuk, Purwokerto, Kroya, Gombong, Kebumen, Kutoarjo, Tugu Yogyakarta, Klaten 10 jam 30 menit
99 Fajar Utama Yogya Yogyakarta Tugu 08.00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 16.37 Wates, Kutoarjo,Kebumen,Gombong,Kroya,Purwokerto, Cirebon Prujakan, Jatibarang, Jatinegara 8 jam 37 menit
100 Fajar Utama Yogya Jakarta Pasar Senen 07.10 Yogyakarta Tugu 15.04 Jatibarang, Cirebon Prujakan, Purwokerto, Kroya, Karanganyar, Kutoarjo, Wates 7 jam 54 menit
101 Senja Utama Yogya Yogyakarta Tugu 18.30 Jakarta Pasar Senen 03.43 Wates, Kutoarjo, Kebumen, Karanganyar, Kroya, Purwokerto, Cirebon Prujakan, Bekasi, Jatinegara 9 jam 13 menit
102 Senja Utama Yogya Jakarta Pasar Senen 19.35 Yogyakarta Tugu 04.45 Cirebon Prujakan, Prupuk, Purwokerto,Kroya, Kutoarjo, Wates 9 jam 9 menit
108 Senja Utama Semarang Semarang Tawang 20.00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 03.10 Weleri, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Tegal, Cirebon Prujakan, Bekasi, Jatinegara 8 jam 48 menit
109 Fajar Utama Semarang Jakarta Pasar Senen 08.00 Semarang Tawang 14.43 Cirebon Prujakan, Tegal, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Weleri 6 jam 43 menit


Kelas campuran (Eksekutif/Bisnis atau Ekonomi) di pulau Jawa

No. KA Nama KA Stasiun Keberangkatan Waktu Keberangkatan Stasiun Kedatangan Waktu Kedatangan Pemberhentian Waktu yang ditempuh
21 Argo Parahyangan Campuran Bandung 06.30 Jakarta Gambir 09.34 Cimahi, Jatinegara 3 jam 4 menit
24 Argo Parahyangan Campuran Jakarta Gambir 10.35 Bandung 13.47 Cimahi 3 jam 10 menit
27 Argo Parahyangan Campuran Bandung 16.30 Jakarta Gambir 19.34 Cimahi, Jatinegara 3 jam 4 menit
30 Argo Parahyangan Campuran Jakarta Gambir 20.25 Bandung 23.25 Purwakarta 3 jam
49 Harina Semarang Tawang 20.30 Bandung 04.58 Pekalongan, Tegal, Cirebon Kejaksan, Cikampek, Purwakarta 8 jam 28 menit
51 Harina Bandung 20.30 Semarang Tawang 04.27 Purwakarta, Cikampek, Cirebon Kejaksan, Tegal, Pekalongan 8 jam 35 menit
54 Rajawali Semarang Tawang 08.30 Surabaya Pasar Turi 12.42 Cepu, Bojonegoro 4 jam 23 menit
55 Rajawali Surabaya Pasar Turi 14.00 Semarang Tawang 18.23 Bojonegoro, Cepu 4 jam 12 menit
61 Cirebon Ekspres Cirebon Kejaksan 06.15 Jakarta Gambir 09.17 Brebes, Tanjung, Losari, Babakan, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatibarang, Jatinegara 3 jam 1 menit
62 Cirebon Ekspres Jakarta Gambir 06.05 Cirebon Kejaksan 08.59 Jatibarang 2 jam 53 menit
63 Cirebon Ekspres Tegal 06.00 Jakarta Gambir 10.40 Brebes, Tanjung, Losari, Babakan, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatibarang, Jatinegara 4 jam 40 menit
64 Cirebon Ekspres Jakarta Gambir 09.45 Cirebon Kejaksan 12.40 Jatibarang 2 jam 54 menit
65 Cirebon Ekspres Cirebon Kejaksan 10.00 Jakarta Gambir 12.55 Jatibarang, Jatinegara 2 jam 54 menit
66 Cirebon Ekspres Jakarta Gambir 11.00 Cirebon Kejaksan 13.55 Jatibarang 2 jam 54 menit
67 Cirebon Ekspres Cirebon Kejaksan 15.15 Jakarta Gambir 18.12 Jatibarang, Jatinegara 2 jam 57 menit
68 Cirebon Ekspres Jakarta Gambir 13.20 Cirebon Kejaksan 16.19 Jatibarang 2 jam 59 menit
69 Cirebon Ekspres Tegal 16.15 Jakarta Gambir 21.18 Brebes, Tanjung, Losari, Babakan, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatibarang, Jatinegara 5 jam 2 menit
70 Cirebon Ekspres Jakarta Gambir 18.45 Tegal 23.18 Jatibarang, Cirebon Kejaksan, Babakan, Losari, Tanjung, Brebes 5 jam 2 menit
71 Gumarang Surabaya Pasar Turi 17.10 Jakarta Kota 05.31 Pasar Senen, Cirebon Kejaksan, Losari, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang Tawang, Cepu, Bojonegoro, Lamongan 12 jam 39 menit
72 Gumarang Jakarta Kota 17.45 Surabaya Pasar Turi 05.48 Lamongan, Bojonegoro, Cepu, Semarang Tawang, Pekalongan, Tegal, Losari, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara, Pasar Senen 12 jam 3 menit
73 Lodaya Pagi Solo Balapan 08.30 Bandung 17.03 Klaten, Yogyakarta Tugu, Wates, Kutoarjo, Kebumen, Gombong, Kroya, Banjar, Tasikmalaya, Cipeundeuy, Kiaracondong 8 jam 33 menit
74 Lodaya Pagi Bandung 08.00 Solo Balapan 16.34 Kiaracondong, Cipeundeuy, Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Kroya, Gombong, Kebumen, Kutoarjo, Wates, Yogyakarta Tugu, Klaten 8 jam 33 menit
75 Lodaya Malam Solo Balapan 20.30 Bandung 05.21 Klaten, Tugu Yogyakarta, Wates, Kutoarjo, Gombong, Kroya, Banjar, Tasikmalaya, Cipeundeuy, Kiaracondong 8 jam 50 menit
76 Lodaya Malam Bandung 20.00 Solo Balapan 04.34 Kiaracondong, Cipeundeuy, Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Kroya, Gombong, Kutoarjo, Wates, Tugu Yogyakarta, Klaten 8 jam 33 menit
79 Purwojaya Cilacap 18.30 Jakarta Gambir 01.23 Kroya, Purwokerto, Cirebon Prujakan, Bekasi, Jatinegara 6 jam 53 menit
80 Purwojaya Jakarta Gambir 06.30 Cilacap 13.29 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Cirebon Prujakan, Purwokerto, Kroya 6 jam 59 menit
81 Sancaka Surabaya Gubeng 07.00 Yogyakarta 11.35 Mojokerto, Jombang, Kertosono, Madiun, Solo Balapan, Klaten 4 jam 34 menit
82 Sancaka Tugu Yogyakarta 07.15 Surabaya Gubeng 12.00 Klaten, Solo Balapan, Madiun, Nganjuk, Kertosono, Jombang, Mojokerto 4 jam 45 menit
83 Sancaka Surabaya Gubeng 15.00 Tugu Yogyakarta 19.45 Jombang, Kertosono, Nganjuk, Madiun, Solo Balapan 4 jam 45 menit
84 Sancaka Yogyakarta 16.00 Surabaya Gubeng 20.47 Solo Balapan, Madiun, Nganjuk, Kertosono, Jombang 4 jam 46 menit
85 Mutiara Timur Pagi Banyuwangi 08.00 Surabaya Gubeng 14.52 Krenceng, Rogojampi, Temuguruh, Kalisetail, Kalibaru, Kalisat, Jember, Rambipuji, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Bangil, Sidoarjo, Wonokromo 6 jam 51 menit
86L Mutiara Timur Pagi Surabaya Gubeng 09.00 Banyuwangi 16.04 Wonokromo, Sidoarjo, Bangil, Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Jatiroto, Rambipuji, Jember, Kalisat, Kalibaru, Kalisetail, Temuguruh, Rogojampi, Krenceng 7 jam 3 menit
87 Mutiara Timur Malam Surabaya Gubeng 21.30 Banyuwangi 04.25 Sidoarjo, Bangil, Probolinggo, Rambipuji, Jember, Kalisat, Kalibaru, Kalisetail, Temuguruh, Rogojampi, Krenceng 6 jam 55 menit
88L Mutiara Timur Malam Banyuwangi 21.45 Surabaya Gubeng 04.38 Krenceng, Rogojampi, Temuguruh, Kalisetail, Kalibaru, Kalisat, Jember, Rambipuji, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Bangil, Sidoarjo 6 jam 53 menit
89 Malabar Malang Kota Baru 15.45 Bandung 06.49 Kepanjen, Wlingi, Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Kertosono, Nganjuk, Madiun, Solo Balapan, Klaten, Yogyakarta Tugu, Wates, Kebumen, Gombong, Kroya, Banjar, Tasikmalaya, Cipeundeuy, Kiaracondong 15 jam 3 menit
90 Malabar Bandung 15.30 Malang Kota Baru 07.04 Kiaracondong, Cipeundeuy, Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Kroya, Gombong, Kebumen, Wates, Yogyakarta Tugu, Klaten, Solo Balapan, Madiun, Nganjuk, Kertosono, Kediri, Tulungagung, Blitar, Wlingi, Kepanjen 15 jam 33 menit
103 Sawunggalih Utama Pagi Kutoarjo 07.00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 14.33 Kebumen, Karanganyar, Sumpiuh, Gombong, Kroya, Purwokerto, Cirebon Prujakan, Bekasi, Jatinegara 7 jam 30 menit
104 Sawunggalih Utama Pagi Jakarta Pasar Senen 08.20 Kutoarjo 15.38 Bekasi, Cirebon Prujakan, Purwokerto, Kroya, Sumpiuh, Gombong, Karanganyar, Kebumen 7 jam 30 menit
105 Sawunggalih Utama Malam Kutoarjo 19.00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 03.19 Kebumen, Karanganyar, Gombong, Sumpiuh, Kroya, Purwokerto, Bumiayu, Cirebon Prujakan, Bekasi, Jatinegara 7 jam 30 menit
106 Sawunggalih Utama Malam Jakarta Pasar Senen 19.00 Kutoarjo 03.00 Bekasi, Cirebon Prujakan, Purwokerto, Kroya, Sumpiuh, Gombong, Karanganyar, Kebumen 7 jam 30 menit
7019 Malioboro Ekspres Malang Kota Baru 08.30 Yogyakarta Tugu 16.19 Kepanjen, Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Kertosono, Madiun, Solo Balapan 6 jam 15 menit
7020 Malioboro Ekspres Yogyakarta Tugu 21.00



Kel. Panjang;Ambarawa;Semarang
GPS cordnt
S7.265350 - E110.401900
474 m

English translation by mfda

Comments: 0 

Gallery: 9 

[navigasi.net] Museum - Museum Kereta Api Ambarawa

This Train Museum is located in a hilly town of Ambarawa, about an hour driving south from Semarang direction to Joyga. In comparison with various Train Museums I have visited abroad, this particular Museum is definitely not well maintained, except the ones which is still being used commercially. The grand looking Old Steam Trains left rusted outside, instead of putting them into a kind of hangar (under the roof), as most other train museums do.
However, the station itself is very much still looked as good as any old stations, as far as my memory could tell. Punctuality in any trains system, especially during those good old colonial days is highly respected, therefore a grand old looking clock was always presence in any station. Amazingly, it is still perfectly working. Good old stuff !

[navigasi.net] Museum - Museum Kereta Api Ambarawa

The station was build in the year 1873, during the Koningen Willem I and it has the necessary bits and pieces, such as waiting room, as in any other good old stations. Old shifting gears and communication gadgets are also displayed and if we turn our mind back into those days, all the ancient looking gadgets worked as good as any state of the arts computer these days, if not better. The station is no longer functioning to serve the publics and the rails does not go anywhere anymore.
However, in those colonial days, these trains traveled back and forth in a rather hilly terrains, serving passengers and carrying produce to the many plantations estates around the area, therefore it equipped with "gears", that were installed in the middle of the rails, in order to be able to climb up the hills.

[navigasi.net] Museum - Museum Kereta Api Ambarawa

These days, however, one of the old engines is used primarily to satisfy the tourists curiosity, who like to feel how is the traveling in those good old days might be. The Museum put up a price tag of some 3.5 Million Rupiah (approximately around USD 400.-) for a trip with The Old Grand Dad dragging two equally ancient looking passenger wagons, for a maximum of 40 people. The journey into the history, from the Museum to a village called Bedono, around 20 kilometers and back, takes approximately 2 hours.
This old museum with its old stuffs is apparently also popular for a so called pre wedding photography especially amongst the ethnic Chinese. While others happily uses the platform to walk the dog.

jadwal kereta

No. KA Nama KA Stasiun Keberangkatan Waktu Keberangkatan Stasiun Kedatangan Waktu Kedatangan Pemberhentian Waktu yang ditempuh
1 Argo Bromo Anggrek Pagi Surabaya Pasar Turi 08.10 Jakarta Gambir 17.41 Semarang Tawang, Pekalongan, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara 9 jam 31 menit
2 Argo Bromo Anggrek Pagi Jakarta Gambir 09.30 Surabaya Pasar Turi 19.11 Cirebon Kejaksan, Pekalongan, Semarang Tawang 9 jam 41 menit
3 Argo Bromo Anggrek Malam Surabaya Pasar Turi 20.10 Jakarta Gambir 05.41 Semarang Tawang, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara 9 jam 31 menit
4 Argo Bromo Anggrek Malam Jakarta Gambir 21.30 Surabaya Pasar Turi 07.11 Cirebon Kejaksan, Semarang Tawang 9 jam 41 menit
5 Argo Wilis Surabaya Gubeng 07.30 Bandung 19.13 Jombang, Kertosono, Madiun, Solo Balapan, Yogyakarta Tugu, Kutoarjo, Kroya, Banjar, Tasikmalaya, Cipeundeuy 11 jam 43 menit
6 Argo Wilis Bandung 07.00 Surabaya Gubeng 18.25 Cipeundeuy, Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Kroya, Kutoarjo, Yogyakarta Tugu, Solo Balapan, Madiun, Kertosono, Jombang 11 jam 24 menit
7 Argo Lawu Solo Balapan 08.00 Jakarta Gambir 16.16 Klaten, Yogyakarta Tugu, Purwokerto, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara 8 jam 16 menit
8 Argo Lawu Jakarta Gambir 20.00 Solo Balapan 04.11 Cirebon Kejaksan, Purwokerto, Yogyakarta Tugu, Klaten 8 jam 11 menit
9 Argo Dwipangga Solo Balapan 20.00 Jakarta Gambir 04.46 Klaten, Yogyakarta Tugu, Purwokerto, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara 8 jam 46 menit
10 Argo Dwipangga Jakarta Gambir 08.00 Solo Balapan 18.00 Cirebon Kejaksan, Purwokerto, Yogyakarta Tugu, Klaten 8 jam 16 menit
11 Argo Sindoro Semarang Tawang 05.30 Jakarta Gambir 11.36 Pekalongan, Tegal, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara 6 jam 5 menit
12 Argo Sindoro Jakarta Gambir 16.45 Semarang Tawang 23.10 Cirebon Kejaksan, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang Poncol 6 jam 25 menit
13 Argo Muria Semarang Tawang 16.00 Jakarta Gambir 22.06 Pekalongan, Tegal, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara 6 jam 5 menit
14 Argo Muria Jakarta Gambir 07.30 Semarang Tawang 14.11 Cirebon Kejaksan, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang Poncol 6 jam 41 menit
15 New Argo Jati Cirebon Kejaksan 05.45 Jakarta Gambir 08.34 Jatinegara 2 jam 49 menit
16 New Argo Jati Jakarta Gambir 09.00 Cirebon Kejaksan 11.49 Tidak ada 2 jam 49 menit
17 New Argo Jati Cirebon Kejaksan 14.00 Jakarta Gambir 16.55 Jatibarang, Jatinegara 2 jam 54 menit
18 New Argo Jati Jakarta Gambir 17.15 Cirebon Kejaksan 20.09 Jatibarang 2 jam 53 menit
19 Argo Parahyangan Eksekutif Bandung 05.00 Jakarta Gambir 08.01 Cimahi, Jatinegara 3 jam 1 menit
20 Argo Parahyangan Eksekutif Jakarta Gambir 09.15 Bandung 12.38 Purwakarta, Cimahi 3 jam 6 menit
22 Argo Parahyangan Eksekutif Jakarta Gambir 08.25 Bandung 11.24 Cimahi 2 jam 59 menit
23 Argo Parahyangan Eksekutif Bandung 12.00 Jakarta Gambir 14.57 Cimahi, Jatinegara 2 jam 57 menit
25 Argo Parahyangan Eksekutif Bandung 14.30 Jakarta Gambir 17.22 Cimahi, Jatinegara 2 jam 52 menit
26 Argo Parahyangan Eksekutif Jakarta Gambir 15.50 Bandung 19.02 Cimahi 3 jam 12 menit
28 Argo Parahyangan Eksekutif Jakarta Gambir 17.50 Bandung 20.44 Cimahi 2 jam 53 menit
29 Argo Parahyangan Eksekutif Bandung 19.50 Jakarta Gambir 22.49 Cimahi, Jatinegara 2 jam 59 menit
32 Gajayana Jakarta Gambir 17.30 Malang Kota Baru 08.43 Cirebon Kejaksan, Prupuk, Purwokerto, Yogyakarta Tugu, Solo Balapan, Madiun, Kertosono, Kediri, Tulungagung, Blitar, Wlingi, Kepanjen 15 jam 13 menit
33 Bima Surabaya Gubeng 17.15 Jakarta Gambir 06.30 Mojokerto, Jombang, Kertosono, Nganjuk, Madiun, Solo Balapan, Yogyakarta Tugu, Purwokerto, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara 12 jam 37 menit
34 Bima Jakarta Gambir 17.00 Surabaya Gubeng 05.44 Cirebon Kejaksan, Prupuk, Purwokerto, Kroya, Yogyakarta Tugu, Solo Balapan, Madiun, Nganjuk, Kertosono, Jombang, Mojokerto, Wonokromo 12 jam 43 menit
35 Sembrani Surabaya Pasar Turi 18.30 Jakarta Gambir 06.03 Lamongan, Bojonegoro, Cepu, Semarang Tawang, Pekalongan, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara. 11 jam 33 menit
36 Sembrani Jakarta Gambir 19.30 Surabaya Pasar Turi 06.25 Cirebon Kejaksan, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang Tawang, Cepu, Bojonegoro, Lamongan. 10 jam 54 menit
37 Turangga Surabaya Gubeng 18.00 Bandung 06.10 Mojokerto, Jombang, Kertosono, Madiun, Solo Balapan, Yogyakarta Tugu, Kutoarjo, Kroya, Banjar, Tasikmalaya, Cipeundeuy 12 jam 9 menit
38 Turangga Bandung 19.00 Surabaya Gubeng 06.25 Cipeundeuy, Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Kroya, Kutoarjo, Yogyakarta Tugu, Solo Balapan, Madiun, Kertosono, Jombang, Mojokerto, Wonokromo 11 jam 52 menit
39 Taksaka Pagi Yogyakarta Tugu 10.00 Jakarta Gambir 17.31 Kutoarjo, Gombong, Purwokerto, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara 7 jam 30 menit
40 Taksaka Pagi Jakarta Gambir 08.45 Yogyakarta Tugu 16.39 Cirebon Kejaksan, Ketanggungan, Purwokerto, Gombong 7 jam 54 menit
41 Taksaka Malam Yogyakarta Tugu 20.00 Jakarta Gambir 04.31 Purwokerto, Prupuk, Ketanggungan Barat, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara 8 jam 31 menit
42 Taksaka Malam Jakarta Gambir 20.45 Yogyakarta Tugu 05.08 Cirebon Kejaksan, Ketanggungan, Prupuk, Purwokerto, Kutoarjo 8 jam 22 menit
43 Bangunkarta Jombang 16.45 Jakarta Pasar Senen 05.22 Kertosono, Nganjuk, Madiun, Paron, Brumbung, Semarang Tawang, Pekalongan, Tegal, Cirebon Prujakan, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara 12 jam 37 menit
44 Bangunkarta Jakarta Pasar Senen 16.05 Jombang 04.22 Cirebon Kejaksan, Cirebon Prujakan, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang Tawang, Brumbung, Paron, Madiun, Nganjuk, Kertosono 12 jam 16 menit
7023 Gajayana Malang Kota Baru 13.45 Jakarta Gambir 04.49 Kepanjen, Wlingi, Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Kertosono, Madiun, Solo Balapan, Yogyakarta Tugu, Purwokerto, Cirebon Kejaksan, Jatinegara 15 jam 3 menit

The Indonesian Railway (Indonesian: PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)) is the major operator of public railways in Indonesia. It is completely owned by the government and pays track access charges to the government. One of its subsidiaries, PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek, is operating electrified commuter service in Jakarta metropolitan area from August 14, 2008.



PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) is the latest in a long line of successive state railway companies dating from Dutch colonial days.

Pre-independence era

Repronegatief. Het perron van het eerste station van de Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij te Semarang.
The first railway line in Indonesia began operations on August 10, 1867 in Central Java. By May 21, 1873, the line had connected three main cities in the region, i.e. [Semarang], Solo and Yogyakarta. This line was operated by a private company, Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NIS: Netherlands East Indies Railway Company).
The liberal Dutch government of the era was then reluctant to build its own railway, preferring to give a free rein to private enterprises. However, private railways could not provide the expected return of investment (even NIS required some financial assistance from the government), and the Dutch Ministry of Colonies finally approved a state railway system, the Staatsspoorwegen (State Railway), extending from Buitenzorg (now Bogor) in the west, to Surabaya in the east. Construction began from both ends, the first line (from Surabaya) being opened on May 16, 1878, and both cities were connected by 1894.
Locomotive and train of the Dutch Indies Railway Company(Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij), Java.
Private enterprises did not completely get out of the picture, and at least 15 light railway companies operated in Java. These companies operated as "steam tram companies", but despite the name, were better described as regional secondary lines.
As befits a colonial enterprise, most railway lines in Indonesia had a dual purpose: economic and strategic. In fact, a condition for the financial assistance for the NIS was that the company build a railway line to Ambarawa, which had an important fort named Willem I for the Dutch king. The first state railway line was built through the mountains on the southern part of Java, instead of the flat regions on the north, for a similar strategic reason. The state railway in Java connected Anyer on the western coast of the island, to Banyuwangi on the eastern coast.
In Sumatra, railways were first used for military purposes, with a railway line connecting Banda Aceh and its port of Uleelhee in 1876. The line, first built to a 1067 mm gauge was later regauged to 750 mm and extended south. This line was only transferred to the Ministry of Colonies from the Ministry of War on January 1, 1916, following the relative pacification of Aceh.
Other state railway lines in Sumatra were located in the Minangkabau area (built between 1891–1894) and the Lampung-South Sumatra region (1914–1932). Both lines were mainly used for conveyance of coal from inland mines to ports.
Another important private railway line was the Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij (Deli Railway Company). This line served the important rubber- and tobacco-producing regions in Deli.
Between July 1922 and 1930, a 47 km-long railway line operated in South Sulawesi. This line was to be extended to North Sulawesi, as part of a massive project of railway construction in Borneo and Sulawesi, connection of separate railway systems in Sumatra and electrification of the main lines in Java. The Great Depression of 1929 put paid to these plans.
During the Japanese occupation between 1942 and 1945, the different railway lines in Java were managed as one entity. The Sumatra systems, being under the administration of a different branch of the Japanese armed forces, remained separate.
The occupiers also converted the standard gauge (1,435 mm) lines in Java into 1,067 mm, thereby resolving the dual gauge issue. This was not an actual "problem" as there was not much transfer of materials between the systems, and much of the 1435 mm system had been fitted with a third rail by 1940, creating a mixed-gauge railway.

Independence era

During the war for independence between 1945 and 1949, freedom fighters took over the railways, creating the first direct predecessor to today's PT Kereta Api, the Djawatan Kereta Api Repoeblik Indonesia (Railway Bureau of the Republic of Indonesia), on September 28, 1945. This date, not the 1867 one, is regarded as the birth date of Indonesian railways and commemorated as Railway Day every year.
In Sumatra, the separate systems were similarly taken over, named Kereta Api Soematera Oetara Negara Repoeblik Indonesia in North Sumatra and Kereta Api Negara Repoeblik Indonesia in South and West Sumatra.
On the other hand, the Dutch created its own combined railway system to manage the lines located on its occupied territory, the Verenigd Spoorwegbedrijf (Combined Railways). By the time of Dutch recognition of Indonesian independence, the VS had most railway lines under its management, though not all were in operation.
With Indonesia's full independence in 1949, the separate systems (except the Deli Railway) were combined into the Djawatan Kereta Api. Non-state railway systems in Java retained their paper existence until 1958, when all railway lines in Indonesia were nationalized, including the Deli Railway, thereby creating the Perusahaan Negara Kereta Api (PNKA: State Railway Corporation).
On September 15, 1971, PNKA was reorganised into Perusahaan Jawatan Kereta Api (Railway Bureau Corporation), in turn reorganised into Perumka (Perusahaan Umum Kereta Api: Public Railway Corporation) on January 2, 1991. Perumka was transformed into PT Kereta Api (Persero) on June 1, 1999.
The headquarters of the state railway system, since Dutch colonial days, had been located in Bandung, West Java. Private railway companies were headquartered elsewhere, in Semarang, Tegal, Surabaya and Medan.


The total number of trackage laid in Indonesia was 7583 km, although not all lines were in operation at the same time. In 1939, the total operational trackage was 4588 km (It is unclear whether dual gauge tracks were counted once or twice). The present extent of the railways is now 5042 km, with the Aceh system, most of the West Sumatra system and most former steam tram lines disused, but including new tracks built alongside old tracks (double tracking projects).
Much of the branch lines constructed in the colonial era has been lifted up or abandoned in the 1980s. No major railway construction has since taken place, however, many of the busiest lines have been double tracked, and this is still ongoing. The northern coast area of Java double-track would be completed in 2013 and then the government will finish a 1,000-kilometer double-track on the south coast of Java by 2015.[1]
Recently double-tracked lines include:
Double tracking is in progress between:
Significant projects being considered include:
  • Manggarai-Cikarang second double (double double) track line
  • Airport line to the Sukarno-Hatta International Airport. A 33 kilometers line from Manggarai, Dukuh Atas in Sudirman, Tanah Abang, Angke, Pluit and inline with airport toll road to the Airport. The cost will be $1.13 billion start at 2012 and complete at 2014.[4]
  • Rebuilding of the Aceh railway, with assistance from the French railway company
  • By 2012, PT Kereta Api will built new track between Cibungur and Tanjungrasa station with length 15 kilometers. This short cut will makes trains from Bandung to Semarang v.v. do not need through Cikampek station.[5]
Future expansion plans of the railway will include linking of existing railway lines in Sumatra from Aceh to Lampung via both west and east coasts of the island. Railway lines are also planned to be built on the currently railwayless islands of Kalimantan[6] and Sulawesi.[7] A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed to build railway around Bali with length 565 kilometers.[8]
Reactivate of dormant lines will be done by PT KA Daop II. For beginning, reactivate Bandung-Ciwidey line to ease road traffic congestion, reactivate Rancaekek-Tanjung Sari line to accommodate students activities. 4 others dormant lines are still in consideration.[9]